Peeing Boy

“Someone’s in the house” my spouse woke me. I heard the turn of the key in the front door followed by the click of the lock and the swoosh of the door opening. I got out of bed, gun in hand and ready for action. In fact, the door stood wide open, I stepped very quietly into the small garden. A strange whisper came out of the bushes. I was prepared for immediate response.

“Daddy, it’s okay to pee on the lemon tree, isn’t it?”

I hid the gun behind my back, lifted 4 year old Uri in my other arm, kissed him and took him back to bed. He fell asleep immediately, I most certainly did not.

The penny had dropped all the way for me. I deposited the gun with the police.



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לחצו להורדה - נייר עמדה פורץ דרך שנכתב בתהליך למידה ודיאלוג בין רופאים לזכויות אדם והאקדח על שולחן המטבח