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Victims killed with firearms of private security companies, taken home after duty

Since 2002


innocent people have been shot dead in Israel with firearms carried off-duty by security guards. Twenty-one women and twenty men were shot and killed in the domestic sphere with the guns of private security firms.

In the eleven years from 2002 to 2013, at least 18 women and 18 men (36 victims in all, including a 17 year old youth) were shot dead with the firearms of private security companies in the private sphere or in domestic contexts. Then, between 2014 and 2016, not one death was inflicted with off-duty company arms. This striking development was due to the enforcement of an existing law barring security guards from bearing firearms off-duty. While the law was enacted in 2008, its enforcement in 2013 was directly credited (by the State Comptroller) to GFKT’s public advocacy on the topic. However, following a 2016 amendment of the law again allowing guards to bear company guns after duty and outside of work sites, the shootings resumed.

נר זכרון בוער

2021 – Dmitry Yungerov, 36

Shot (apparently) by Georgii Zhelkov, 61, a security guard at the Haifa Carmelit underground.

נר זכרון בוער

2020 – Yelena Itzhakbaev, 57

Shot (apparently) by her husband, a security guard , who then committed suicide with the gun

נר זכרון בוער

2018 - Lottie Gantz, 91

shot by her son, a security guard, who then committed suicide with the gun

נר זכרון בוער

2013 - Yamit Jorno, 26

by a client of her father's, a security guard, along with: Natan Jorno, her father, 56

נר זכרון בוער

2013 - A woman, 43

name unpublished shot by her husband, a security guard

נר זכרון בוער

2012 - A woman, 24

name unpublished shot with the gun issued to her partner, a security guard; circumstances unclear

נר זכרון בוער

2010 - Tamar Lev, 31

shot by her estranged husband with a gun issued to his son, a security guard

נר זכרון בוער

2009 - Sammy Sasson Biton, 45

shot by an acquaintance, a security guard, who then committed suicide with the gun

נר זכרון בוער

2008 - Valery Gitleman, 35

shot by a colleague, a security guard

נר זכרון בוער

2008 - Bella Litrovnikov, 53

shot by her nephew, a security guard, along with: Boris Litrovnikov, 54, Bella's husband, Ginda Dvoikin, 89, Bella's mother

נר זכרון בוער

2006 - Galina Paladiev, 54

shot by her partner, a security guard, who then committed suicide with the gun

נר זכרון בוער

2005 - Zaro Wablom, 24

shot by her partner, a security guard, who then committed suicide with the gun

נר זכרון בוער

2004 - Varkanesh (Tajin) Abohai, 52

shot by her son, a security guard, along with: Gideon Abohai, 29, Varkanesh's son, Tesama Mologata, a religious leader (kess)

נר זכרון בוער

2003 - Anna (Ilana) Dashkevitz, 29

shot herself accidentally with the gun issued to her husband, a security guard

נר זכרון בוער

2003 - Liora Bakshi, 26

shot by her husband, a security guard. who then committed suicide with the gun

נר זכרון בוער

2002 - Esther Feigenbaum, 55

Shot by her son, a security guard

נר זכרון בוער

2018 - Miriam Shalom, 62

Shot (apparently) by her husband, a security guard, who then committed suicide with the gun

נר זכרון בוער

2017 - Nader Zaid, 63

shot by his son, a security guard

נר זכרון בוער

2013 - A woman, 45

name unpublished shot by her employer's son, a security guard

נר זכרון בוער

2013 - Yossef (Suso) Dov, 52

shot by a friend, a security guard, along with: Alex Koznitzov, 17 son of the murderer's partner (Khatuella [Ghada] Koznitzov, 43, Alex's mother and the murderer's partner was stabbed to death by the same murderer.) The murderer later committed suicide with the gun

נר זכרון בוער

2012 - Galina Begetz, 31

shot by her husband, a security guard, along with: Roslan Sakharov, 47

נר זכרון בוער

2011 - Aviva (Abeba) Makash-Jambar, 45

shot by her ex-husband, a security guard, who then committed suicide with the gun

נר זכרון בוער

2011 - Ernesto Mendoza, 41

shot by a minor with a gun issued to his brother, a security guard

נר זכרון בוער

2010 - Victor Shvardin, 22

shot accidentally by a friend, a security Guard

נר זכרון בוער

2008 - Andrei Metosov, 28

shot by a relative, a security guard

נר זכרון בוער

2007 - Two security guards

shot by a colleague. names and details unpublished

נר זכרון בוער

2006 - Yaakov Pradjeb

shot by an acquaintance, a security guard

נר זכרון בוער

2004 - Ariel Permut, 24

shot by a roommate, a security guard

נר זכרון בוער

2004 - Shelly Mikhalov, 33

shot by her ex-husband, a factory guard

נר זכרון בוער

2003 - Abdallah Abu-Sheikh, 28

shot with a submachine gun issued to his colleague, a security guard

נר זכרון בוער

2003 - Taiko-Keren Hailo, 26

shot by her boyfriend, a security guard

נר זכרון בוער

2003 - Ilana Levy, 44

Shot by her ex-partner, a security guard, who then committed suicide with the gun

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לחצו להורדה - נייר עמדה פורץ דרך שנכתב בתהליך למידה ודיאלוג בין רופאים לזכויות אדם והאקדח על שולחן המטבח