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Share gun-related events with us: Abuses / threats / risks

The authorities responsible for gun control in Israel obstruct transparency and fail to provide necessary data on gun violence in civil space in Israel. You can help fill in the gaps! Help give us a more accurate picture. Send us details on events that you’ve witnessed. Your account can be given and/or published (on our website) anonymously. It will add to our body of research, help us gain relevant insights and build up the knowledge base with which we work to raise awareness. We will not use your account to file an official complaint or to initiate an investigation or a court case.

We need your support!

donate by Paypal or credit card

*After clicking this button - check the box on the form for monthly donations

By direct bank transfer:

For US tax-exempt contributions of over $100 you can donate via New Israel Fund: 

Preferably by check: Checks of $100 or more can be sent to:
The New Israel Fund
PO Box 70358, Philadelphia, PA 19176-0358, USA.
In the memo line, write:
“Donor Advised for Gun Free Kitchen Tables” 

By credit card via NIF, for contributions of over $100:

please use the “Give in Honor option offered on NIF’s homepage.
The “Honoree Name” is: Gun Free Kitchen Tables;
the address for notifying us is:

לחצו להורדה - נייר עמדה פורץ דרך שנכתב בתהליך למידה ודיאלוג בין רופאים לזכויות אדם והאקדח על שולחן המטבח